Easter not gathering and Memorial Day isn’t looking good either….

With COVID 19 among us, we couldn’t meet with our family and have that really big Easter Egg hunt like we had planned when we were looking at our house. When we closed on the house in January, we were so excited about Easter. Cancelled…..

Looking forward to Memorial Day but I really hope it isn’t cancelled too. Im planning a movie night out by the pool. Fingers crossed it happens.

Tomorrow I’m picking up my gimbal so I can film more family gatherings and blogs. Im so excited.

COVID 19 and what it changed

Howdy. Welcome to That Florida Family ‘s page. Life as we knew it has been completely turned upside down. Before COVID 19 hit, we were faced with some tough decisions to help our family.

First, my father in law is on his 2nd pacemaker, but is also in the first stages of dementia. My mother in law was taking care of him pretty well. She has severe asthma and always has. However, her health hasn’t been great so my husband and I needed to be closer to them to help with things that came up. This began our journey of selling our beloved home at the coast and move into town about 25 miles away.

If you have never sold a home and bought a new one, let me just tell you that if you aren’t manic depressive before you start that process, you will be afterwards lol. The contracts signed, falling through, backing out and all the emotions that go with it are exhausting to say the least.

We listed our home on my 50th birthday in August, but didn’t close and move until January 8th. We were just about ready to give up, but then the break through came and it all got finalized. Praise the Lord!!

We’ve been in our new “old” house for 3 months now and I still haven’t finished unpacking. Once I kind of got my momentum going with the unpacking and organizing, COVID 19 hit. Wow!! Talk about a challenge and people’s feelings and emotions to deal with a crisis. It’s been a wild ride for sure. The very people we moved into town to take care of, we now can’t visit but still have to get their medications and food to them. Talk about a challenge!

I am working half time from home but my husband hasn’t changed at all. This exposes us daily to others. Therein lies the reason we must be extra careful around those we are trying to protect. Luckily we are empty nesters and have no children at home. My grandchildren can’t go to school so that is putting more strain on my kids too and I’m trying to stay away. It’s a struggle for sure. The up side is I’m being kept company, or being protected, I’m not sure, by our girl, Shaye Shaye. I’ve attached her photo next to my office chair.

For now, Taylor County only has 1 confirmed case as of today, 4-13-2020 so I feel blessed. I hope we stay on this same track and soon we can get back to some kind of normal. I do think the new normal will be some kind of hybrid of previous normal and what we are doing now. I think people will realize that they could save gas money by working from home at least one day a week and still complete their tasks. Online dr visits will be increased because honestly, it’s better for the patient and the Dr.

All of the new changes will be good for everyone in my opinion. Of course, no one asked my opinion lol.

I truly hope going forward we can all step back and realize what is most important and what was just keeping us busy for no real reason. Maybe this virus can turn us into more positive and caring individuals. Maybe we can all look back one day and say, that was the turning point in my life to make me a better person.